Tuesday 29 January 2013

Home Shoot TAKE 3 Planning

Tomorrow I plan to re-re-film the shoot at home!
I have filmed it once will Molly, and I have filmed it once with Vanessa. Obviously with Molly the cast changed, hence I filmed with Vanessa, but at the first attempt filming at home with Vanessa the camera died.

Therefore tomorrow I am going to film the same shots again, and because I am filming at my house, it will be exactly the same as the shoot with Molly. I will make sure there is no clutter in the background this time, because that looks unprofessional.

- Hat
- Magazines
- Mirror
- Hairbrush
- Lipstick
- Straighteners
- Nail varnish
- Perfume
- Sock

I plan to flim the same shots along with an extra part of the bridge, 'I wanna smell like roses not a baseball team'. Here I plan to have low angle shot of her spraying and smelling perfume then she falls onto the bed, and there is a shot from above, 'not a baseball team' and she will pull out a sock that she fell on.

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